The bridge is closed for repair until further notice. View updates.
Save the date: Art Sale, 8/17-18/24; Reception 8/16/24
Giving in Memory of Someone
When you make a donation in memory of someone, the name of the person being memorialized will be posted in a list that appears listed in a kiosk at the entrance to the Bridge of Flowers, on this page, and in our annual report for the year in which the donation is made and for two following years. Donations in memory of someone may be made in any amount. If several donations are given in memory of the same person, however, his or her name will appear only once in the various listings.
We regret that we cannot honor requests or receive donations for plaques, plants, or any other permanent memorial elements for the Bridge of Flowers.
2023 Gifts in Memory of:
Joe Babcock
Rick Bamber
Craig W. Barry, Jr.
Candae B. Bath
Eveline Beauregard
Leigh M. Bernard
Jane S. Burnett
Margaret E. Folgmann
Edward G. Keefe
Doris Mae Klein
Dexter Burt Lyman
Susan Maddern
Margaret Kuhn Madsen
Yvonne Montmeat
Lisa “Tish” Murphy
Carl Nilman
Mary Overton
Florence Kuhn Perry
Donna Remeika
Margalee Riggan
Susie Robbins
Hattie O. Salter
Peter J. Sanborn
Mindy Sparks
Marie F. Spinney
Frances Wood Milne Sullivan
Donald T. Upton
2024 Gifts in Memory of:
Joe Babcock
Richard Lake Bailey
Candice B. Bath
Elizabeth “Busy” Belden
Leslie P. Brown
Jane S. Burnett
Laura W. Conley
Kimberley Cuenca
Lillian Davenport
Davidson-Poole Family
Margaret E. Folgman
Adeline Fortier
Shirley E. Kelley
Paul Maddern
Milly March
Kip Moeller
Yvonne Montmeat
Gail D. Ojala
Hattie O. Salter
Barbara Shea
Marie F. Spinney
Patty Svehlak
Lucille Szpila
Donald T. Upton
Mal Versage
Catherine Woodard
Marian L. Woodsome
Gordon Dean & Hedley Yost