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Joint statement from the
Shelburne Falls Water District and
the Bridge of Flowers Committee
The initial bidding process for the rehabilitation of the Bridge of Flowers structure is now complete. The single bid submitted to carry out the work exceeded the amount of the state grant by $896,000.
As a result, leadership of the Shelburne Falls Fire District and the Bridge of Flowers Committee are continuing to consult with the engineering firm of Tighe & Bond to explore various options that will enable the project to move forward in a timely manner.
“We have reached out to contractors to understand why more bids were not submitted,” said Zach Chornyak, Tighe & Bond senior project manager. “This feedback will be considered in how the project is advanced from this point. Most contractors have confirmed there is a large amount of infrastructure work affecting the current bidding environment, resulting in fewer bids and less competition for more complex, higher risk projects.”
“We are keenly aware of the importance of both the timeline and the budget in making plans to move forward,” said Shelburne Falls Fire District Administrative Assistant Jan Morin. “The Fire District and the Bridge of Flowers Committee are working diligently with Tighe & Bond to evaluate the bid, review options moving forward, and advance the project as expeditiously as possible. All alternatives are being evaluated, such as additional funding sources and construction scope changes, to meet the bridge rehabilitation needs and the vital role it plays in the economic health of the region. As this process continues, we will provide updates to the public in the interest of transparency and accuracy.”